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Market Research & Analysis

Market Analysis

  • Market Identification

  • Data Analysis

  • Trends and Forecast

  • Reporting and Recommendations

Understand the market you're in and use that information to strategically plan for the future. We offer market research and strategic planning services that produce actionable results:

  • Direction

  • Feedback

  • Focus groups

  • Access to industry markets and experts

Our team designs, collects, analyzes, and reports what you need to make good business decisions. 

Introducing a new product? Want to increase market share? Need help connecting with your clients?



Product Development

Our staff brings your team a strong background in engineering, market analysis, codes and standards development, and deep industry knowledge. We save you time to market and improve the final product.

  • Identify and anticipate demand for new products.

  • Canvass codes and standards to identify critical features and performance parameters.

  • Product design: brainstorm with engineering, marketing, and industry perspectives.

  • Field test prototypes in actual/simulated occupancies.

  • Data acquisition system specification, programming, and installation.


Consumer Preferences

  • Focus Groups

  • Interviews

  • Surveys

  • Observation

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